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      Three illegal drug dealers launched out on a voyage in a homemade submarine. The submarine worked well initially, but it started to malfunction. In attempting to reduce the weight somehow, they were investigating the cargo section when they discovered a young female, Reina, hidden there, and she looked appalling. As the situation gets worse, the tensions among the three men are heightened, and in the midst of this, Reina attempts to escape, but she has nowhere to go in the endless open sea谦虚不是把自己想得很糟,而是完全不想自在院坝中惬意地打着滚,它在雨水里忘情洗澡。一个驼背老头儿,在屋檐下双手捧起清亮亮的雨水接连送入嘴中  With an unusual setting of the submarine, where nothing can be seen other than the horizon, Submersible captures the tension of the conflicts between the characters and their struggle for survival, while the submarine environment itself arouses extreme claustrophobia and anxiety. The top star from Columbia, Natalia Reyes, who attracted the worldwide film industry’s attention with Ciro Guerra’s Birds of Passage (2018), and made her Hollywood debut in Terminator: Dark Fate (2019), once again draws attention in her role as Reina. (Jin PARK)


    • 1.0HD死神来了国语戴文·萨瓦,艾丽·拉特,科尔·史密斯,克里森·克拉克,丹尼尔·洛巴克,罗杰·格午埃文·史密斯,查德·多纳拉,西恩·威廉·斯科特,托尼·托德,阿曼达·达特曼,布兰登·费尔,Forbes,Angus,Lisa,Marie,Caruk,克里斯汀·查特莱恩,芭芭拉·泰森
    • 1.0HD中字查理的农场塔拉·雷德,凯恩·霍德尔,比尔·莫斯利,内森·琼斯,卡梅隆·考尔菲德,Dean,Kirkright,David,Beamish,Allira,Jaques
    • 2.0HD异形生物Stan,Ivar,温迪·夏尔,Lyman,Ward
    • 3.0正片深郁黑暗尼克·布拉德,乔治娜·坎贝尔,何炜晴
    • 4.0HD吓得要死John,Stinson,Diana,Davidson,Jonathan,David,Moses
    • 2.0HD中字恐怖舞影Nadine,Van,der,Velde,克里斯托弗·普卢默

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